Liz sea-kayaking and camping
on Prince William Sound during
sumer of 2009. Consistent with
her public health background,
she is shown purifying drinking
water using a light-pen.

Responsibilities at the Trauma Foundation

After returning to the USA from New Zealand in 1986, she started working at the Trauma Foundation. In 1989, Dr. Frank Lewis and she wrote a successful grant to CDC to become UCSF's San Francisco Injury Center where she was Director then Principle Investigator until 1996. She directed this Center's prevention activities from 1996 - 2003. During this time (1993-2003), she coordinated with Peggy Skaj the Violence Prevention Initiative's Academic Fellows Program. She worked with several survivor advocates for motorcycle helmet laws and trunk releases, and with federal colleagues to redesign the presentation of injury statistics. She "retired" in 2003.

Liked most about the Trauma Foundation

The best thing was being and working every day with friends. There was a competence and shared "joie de vivre" that kept us going despite set-backs and the regular opposition tactics so common in the injury prevention field. There is nothing like getting up in the morning and wanting to go to work! It also helped that the work meant more than just a paycheck - we all worked hard for a safer, healthier world.

Learnings still useful

Learnings are an accumulation of many transmigrations of soul. But the bottom line: stay connected with work colleagues whom you like a lot. They will continue to stoke your fires. Also, people long for good leadership, to allow individuals and groups to stay focused, upbeat, and accomplish good things. Meetings work best when they are short, agenda items are clear, time is well spent, and action results from discussion.


Since 2005, she has been working with Andrew McGuire on a history of the fire safe cigarette campaign. Recently, she took over the Trauma Foundation website. She and Tom Hall have a website that lets you have internet adventures around the world.


Replace "at" with "@" - we wish to thwart the spammers!

Email address: emclhall at